Thursday 28 November 2013


C:\Program Files (x86)\Forefront TMG Client>FwcTool.exe ?

FwcTool version 7.0.7734.100
Forefront TMG Client support tool
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


    FwcTool <command> [parameter list]


    Info                    Print installation information
    Enable                  Enable Forefront TMG Client
    Disable                 Disable Forefront TMG Client
    SetManualServer         Specify the Forefront TMG to be used
    SetAutoDetectServer     Enable automatic detection of Forefront TMG
    PrintConfig             Print the current configuration settings
    PrintServerConfig       Print configuration settings from Forefront TMG
    PrintUserConfig         Print configuration settings for the current user
    PrintGlobalConfig       Print configuration settings for all users
    TestAutoDetect          Test the auto detection mechanism
    PingServer              Verify Forefront TMG connectivity
    EnableBrowserConfig     Enable Web browser automatic configuration
    DisableBrowserConfig    Disable Web browser automatic configuration
    PrintBrowserConfig      Print the Web browser configuration settings

    For specific help on each command, type: FwcTool <command> /?

Return code:

    FwcTool returns 0 to indicate success, 1 (or greater) to indicate failure.

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