Friday 23 March 2012

Reset CISCO 5505 ASA to Factory Default

Reset CISCO 5505 ASA to Factory Default

You’ll need to use the Console Port to perform this proceedure.

up the blue console cable to your DB 9 PIN serial port. Plug the other
end into ‘Console’ port on the ASA 5505. The console port looks like a
network jack. It’s above the usb ports and is surrouned with a blue
color matching the console cable itself and says console right next to
the port.

Use hyperterminal, click Start, Programs, Accessories,
Communications, Hyperterminal, create a connection on Com1 using the
terminal settings:

- Bits per second: 9600
- Data bits: 8
- Parity: None
- Stop bits: 1
- Flow control: None

you open your connection through hyperterm, press enter a couple times.
You should get a prompt similar to the following: ‘ciscoasa>’, or
type ‘ena’ to go to enable mode. Enter the password, or just press enter if there is no password set.
type ‘config t’
type ‘config factory-default’
spacebar when the ‘more’ is displayed to get the next page of output.
You want to get back to the prompt that looks like: ‘ciscoasa(config)#’
type ‘reload save-config noconfirm’

Make sure that the outside line is plugged into port zero, and your pc is plugged into any of the ports 1-7.

Cisco ASA has been reset to factory settings. DHCP is enabled on the
cisco device, and it’s internal IP address is now!

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